Humans of MIT: Rachel Katz, 2015

Humans of MIT: Rachel Katz, 2015
Humans of MIT

Rachel Katz by the Mark di Suvero "Aesop’s Fables II" sculpture at MIT, 4 November 2015

I didn’t think of my gender as something that was going to hold me back. I never associated womanhood with fragility.

Rachel Katz '17

In 2014, four MIT students created Humans of MIT, a Facebook portrait-blog inspired by Brandon Stanton's Humans of New York, that captures life in the MIT community through a single photo and the subject’s own words.

Timeline: 2010s
School: School of EngineeringSchool of Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences
Department: Biological EngineeringLinguistics and Philosophy
Object: Image
Collection: Humans of MIT, Pop Culture, Rising Voices 1995-Present, Students, Women