Melissa Nobles et al. discuss the Civil Rights and Restorative Justice Clinic (2018)

CBS Evening News segment highlighting the work of the Civil Rights and Restorative Justice Clinic (CRRJ) with the family of Georgia lynching victim Lent Shaw. The segment includes interviews with Professor Margaret Burnham and Melissa Nobles, dean of MIT’s School of Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences and one of CRRJ’s close collaborators. Launched in 2007 by University Distinguished Professor Margaret Burnham, CRRJ supports the academic and teaching projects of scholars within and beyond Northeastern University, and the restorative justice efforts in communities to honor this history. 

First aired on CBS Evening News, 9 April 2018

Timeline: 2010s
School: School of Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences
Department: AdministrationHumanitiesPolitical Science
Career: Arts & HumanitiesCommunityGovernment & Law
Object: Video
Collection: Activism, Administrators, Black Lives Matter, Faculty, Melissa Nobles, Rising Voices 1995-Present, Women