Seymour Papert and The Turtle, ca. 1968

Seymour Papert and The Turtle, ca. 1968
Courtesy MIT Museum

Mathematics and computer-science professor Seymour Papert, trying to show how fourth graders can use a computer to learn by giving it mathematical commands in order to control a HP display, ca. 1968-1969.

The Turtle, a computer-controlled robot which draws pictures, is used by Seymour Papert in teaching and exploring the processes of learning. Children become entranced with the problems of using logic to direct the Turtle's movements.

MIT in Perspective: A pictorial history of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (Little, Brown and Company, 1975) by Francis E Wylie, p. 200

Timeline: 1960s
School: School of Architecture and PlanningSchool of Engineering
Department: Electrical Engineering and Computer ScienceMathematics
Career: EducationEngineeringTechnology
Object: Image
Collection: Africa(n), Critical Mass 1955-1968, Faculty, Integration and Differentiation 1969-1994, STEM Education